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「Facebook 人氣王 愛。分享大獎」 需要你的愛與鼓勵!

          Sunshine Nation 2012 的歷程對每位Sunshine Boyz + Girlz來說都將會是一段難忘的回憶。箇中的點點滴滴他們都想和你透過Facebook一一分享。而為了成為下一位「Facebook人氣王」,從今天起至8月17日他們於加拿大中文電台的Facebook專頁上載的posts和照片都要得到你們的「Like」和正面留言。誰發帖發照片、得到的「Like」和正面留言最多,就會成為「Facebook人氣王 之 愛。分享大獎」的得主。這個獎項極之需要你和8位選手的互動,你更可以透過和他們交流更了解他們參選之中的苦與樂!

          Like 加拿大中文電台的Facebook專頁更有機會獲得 Sunshine Nation 2012 決賽夜門券兩張!與我們一起互動,參與投選,還有機會贏得門券看Show,還等甚麼?

          Let the fun continues! Our Sunshine Boyz + Girlz have been posting status updates and pictures of their SSN journey onto Fairchild Radio’s Facebook page, and they need your LIKES and POSITIVE COMMENTS to win the next Facebook award! From now till August 17th, we will be counting the number of status updates + pictures of each finalist posts PLUS the likes + positive comments they receive to decide who wins “Facebook Love to Share Award”. The more interactions they have with you the higher chance for them to win, so you are totally part of the decision making process!

          By liking Fairchild Radio’s Facebook page you also automatically enter the draw for a chance to win TWO tickets to Sunshine Nation 2012′s Finale! Take action now!


          1. Like 加拿大中文電台的 Facebook 專頁: http://www.facebook.com/am1470fm961

          2. 在Timeline上留意8位Sunshine Boyz + Girlz發的帖和照片,喜歡的話按一下Like或/和留言鼓勵!

          3. 大會將會審核每位選手的發帖/照片數量加上得到的Like和鼓勵留言決定大獎得主。


          1. Like AM1470 FM96.1′s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/am1470fm961

          2. Look for the status updates and pictures posted by the finalists, “Like” and / or leave a positive comment on the ones that impress you!

          3. We will count the number of status updates and pictures posted by the finalists plus the number of “Likes” and comments they receive to decide who wins.
