8位Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 及兩位精靈活潑的Little Sunshine,於上星期六(8月11日)舉行的Sunshine Nation才藝表演中發熱發亮,把青春活力毫無保留的全情釋放!他們8位將於8月24日舉行的Sunshine Nation 決賽中一決高下,想支持他們,快到大會官網投他們一票吧!
#6 Tiffany 張天穎天生麗質,皮膚白裡透紅,令人羨慕不已
8 energetic Sunshine Boyz & Girlz and 2 lovely Little Sunshine performed their talent of acting, singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments during last Saturday’s Sunshine Nation Talent Show. In less than 2 weeks, Sunshine Boyz & Girlz will compete for the Champion and the Talent Award at the SSN Finale on August 24.
Show your support to these talented teenagers by casting your vote online. Click here for voting details. You will also have a chance to win fabuolus prizes!
今天一別,8位Sunshine Boyz & Girlz要到8月24日SSN決賽再同大家見面,想支持他們,記得到SSN大會網頁投他們一票!