今年 Sunshine Nation 崇尚天然美,鼓勵少年男女切勿盲目追求外表的完美,而失卻個人特色和風采。但其實這個「美麗假象」又豈只是青少年的問題?
當今社會,整容是一種風氣,而在娛樂圈,更似乎動過刀的人多,擁有天然面孔的人少。不難發現,很多男女明星現在的樣貌和剛出道時大相徑庭。靠面孔吃飯的演藝人,通過造型上的變化而達到新的視覺效果固然無可厚非,但如果整張臉或五官都走了樣呢?是否有點 over 了?到底哪些明星的「前」、「後」臉分別最明顯?
This year Sunshine Nation is putting the emphasis on natural beauty. What a timely topic! Movie stars, singers, celebrities and even politicians are going through major or minor plastic surgeries to meet the standard created by other people (or worse, an unachievable standard created by themselves). How much is too much? Let’s take a look.